Tuesday 24 February 2015

plants and update

It's been a while since I've written anything here. THIS will change, I promise. Recently I've taken too much on myself. Having two blogs, facebook page, new collection to draw and print and a commission for an illustration project that You'll hear about very soon was a bit much. All of these plus a double mothering forced me to abandon the virtual side of the brand. That's why I've decided to close down my other blog (www.ohantek.blogspot.com) that was created mostly for my parents to keep them up to date with the kiddos.

So, to make things going here I will have few regular posts such as Illustration inspiration, personal pictures, work progress, interviews and casual healthy meals recipe. How does it sounds?

On the other note I am obsessed with gardening at the moment. All I needed was few sunny days, and although it's cold again, I'm hooked. I'm a beginner tho. Since I left the house with a big garden in national park as a child, I lived in flats in UK for years and recently we moved to a flat with a backyard and I want to make all nice for the kids with some greens and space to eat outside. The space isn't big but I have lots of ideas and I need to say that digging in the soil give me huge satisfaction.

On that note I'll give You a hint that the new collection will consist of plants. I'm thinking: ferns, philodendrons like cheeseplants and such. Beauties!

ferns tea towel found HERE
types of philodendrons via THIS

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