Friday 19 August 2011

Submission of Art WANTED

Got art? Canned magazine is having an opportunity for artists... Check it out on facebook . If You're an artist, send your work to them... You can be featured in the next issue. Canned is a new magazine is, as they describe themselves: visually exciting magazine that provides artists, curators, critics and the public with an informative and accessible cultural resource.  Here is their website for more details.

Thursday 18 August 2011

i heart infantilism


This amazing sculptures are made by Gilbert Legrand. What a creative mind he is, and really cool idea to recycle anything... So next time You're cleaning your house, consider every bit and bob twice, before throwing it away... He also takes photos of teeny tiny people that reminds me of my own little people jewelry and of the smallest and the largest in the world stop motion animation.



                 To understand how amazing this is, watch the making of...


Wednesday 3 August 2011

meet Antek

Meet my son, Antek, now nearly 4 weeks old. More pictures of my little ant here. New life, here we come! <3

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Recent work

For the past nearly eight months I've been working on this project. Practically since I found out I'm pregnant. It was a cover for an underground band, booklet and cd design, so basically the whole CD Package... I've been working on it off time, and realizing the whole band's idea, which developed through this 8 month period... This is the end effect which, the band accepted.

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